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About Tomax

Tomax is a privately owned company focused on the development and supply of new technology adapted to advanced, modern methods for deep drilling.

Founded in 2005, Tomax has a singular focus on optimizing the efficiency of deep drilling. The work was initially funded by the two largest offshore operators in Norway. An immediate success in mitigating self-excitation in the deep end of the string improved efficiency by 35-40%. Tomax has since become a common denominator for performance drilling around the world.

Tomax’s downhole regulators are backed by the lead research institutes in the field of deep drilling dynamics and bit interaction. Research and computer modeling forms the basis for a continuous improvement in service value coupled with specialist suppliers and in-house engineering expertise. Modern precision machining provides unique quality consistency to provide a nev level of fatigue resistance, and hence a new standard for reliability.

The field service branches of Tomax possess modern workshop facilities and personnel with both training and  experience from international oil field operations. All branches of the company are certified to the ISO 9001-2015 standard.

Several PhD degrees are awarded for research on deep drilling dynamics and the contribution from the Tomax regulator. The most recent is by Arviandy Aribowo (2024); Dynamic Modeling and Performance Analysis of Rotary Drilling Systems with a Downhole Passive Regulator download file Tomax

PhD Diploma presented to Arviandy Aribowo in 2024 who defended his work on downhole regulators. Awarding the diploma is professor Nathan van de Wouw, from the Dynamics and Control group of the Mechanical Engineering Department at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e).

Tomax’s strategy is to grow based on science combined with the results achieved in each well. We expect increased efficiency and footage as well as the elimination of equipment damage every time. This commitment makes us able to provide a unique level of attention to every client.